The 22nd Annual Conference is organised by SEAUTON BVBA upon assignment of Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis VZW (RIMS VZW,, University Hasselt, Agoralaan, Building A: BIOMED/REVAL, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium.
The organisational aspects are supervised by the Organisational Committee, upon assignment of Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis VZW.
Members of the Organisational Committee
- Peter Feys (BE), President RIMS
- Daphne Kos (BE), co-chair Scientific Committee
- Jaume Sastre-Garriga (ES), co-chair Scientific Committee
- Vincent de Groot (NL)
- Alessandra Solari (IT)
- Jaume Sastre-Garriga (co-Chair)
- Daphne Kos (co-Chair)
- Xavier Montalban (ES), Director Cemcat
- Ulrik Dalgas
- Hämäläinen Päivi
- Peter Feys
The Organisational Committee, closely collaborates with the Local Organising Committee
- Xavier Montalban (co-chair)
- Jaume Sastre-Garriga (co-chair)
- Ingrid Galán (Cemcat)
- Mar Tintoré (Cemcat)
- María Jesús Arévalo (Cemcat)
- Marta Renom (Cemcat)
- Samuel Sánchez (Cemcat)
- Lluís Ramió-Torrenta (Hospital Josep Trueta, Girona)
- Jordi Gich (Hospital Josep Trueta, Girona)
- Joan Vidal (Institut Guttmann, Barcelona)
- Luís Brieva (Hospital Arnau de Vilanova, Lleida)
- Pedro Carrascal (Managing Director, Spanish Federation of MS Societies)
- Gisela Carrés (Coordinator of Neurorehab Hospitals, FEM - MS Foundation of Catalonia)
The Programs of the SIG's have been elaborated by the SIG chairs and co-chairs:
- SIG Mobility
- Chair: A. Romberg (F)
- Co-chair: P. Van Asch PT (B)
- SIG Bladder, Bowel and Sexual Disorders
- Chair: Dr. L. Lopes (I)
- Co-chair: P. Eelen R.N. (B)
- SIG Psychology and Neuropsychology
- Chair: J. Pöttgen (DE)
- Co-chair: A. Rose (UK)
- SIG Communication and Swallowing
- Chair: L. Ruhaak (NL)
- Co-chair: F. DePiagi (IT)
- SIG Occupation
- Chair: J. Jansa (SL)
- Co-chair: S. Ferdinand (B)
- SIG Patient Autonomy
- Chair: C. Heesen (D)
- Co-chair: A. Solari (I)
Do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat if you have any questions:
SEAUTON bvba,Vaartdijk 3, box 002, 3018 Leuven, Belgium
VAT ID nr. BE 0464 882 990