
The 22nd World Chlor-alkali Conference

Standing strong in the midst of changing market dynamics and trade patterns

21 - 22 June 2018 // Parkroyal on Pickering, Singapore

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Why attend?

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The chlor-alkali market permeates in every industry across the globe, either directly or indirectly. It’s two major chemicals, caustic soda and chlorine are amongst the most important commodity inorganic chemicals. As these two are produced simultaneously, the challenge is to find the balance between supply volume and demand requirements of its end-user markets.

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Reasons to attend
  • Prepare yourself in the midst of the challenges and opportunities available in the industry
  • Receive first-hand information from key industry experts
  • Know more about what is happening in every region and how it shapes the global trade flows
  • Understand what’s ahead for the chlor-alkali markets by examining the current trends and market dynamics
  • Expand your network through interaction with other delegates. 
  • This event has been well-attended by representatives across the globe

Session highlights of the 2017 conference

14 Industry led sessions
  • Built on extensive market research this year’s agenda aims to
    provide you with the most relevant and up to date information
    to ensure that you stay ahead of the game in an ever-changing
Expert speaker line-up
  • With an unrivalled panel of speakers. Hear from industry
    experts as they cover the challenges and the opportunities
    currently facing the industry as they delve into their years of
4+ Hours of allocated networking time
  • Presenting you with the perfect opportunity to grow your
    business, this events offers you the perfect networking
    opportunities over a range of coffee and lunch breaks.
100+ delegates representing the entire chlor-alkali industry
  • With representation expected from 30+ countries and 80+companies representing the global chlor-alkali industry and adjacent markets, this event is the perfect opportunity to catch and meet with everyone under one roof.
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