BGS Yorkshire Region Spring 2017


Abstract submission invitation


The submission of abstracts is invited for poster presentation at

The British Geriatrics Society Regional Meeting in Yorkshire

28th March 2018


Please email submissions to:

Please make the subject of your email ‘BGS Yorkshire March 2018 Abstract Submission’


Deadline 10th March 2018


Present your project regionally and share your findings with your peers!


Abstracts are welcome under the categories of scientific presentation, completed audit cycles, guideline development, systematic reviews, new practice development and surveys.

Instructions for the submissions of Abstracts


Assessment of Abstracts


The submission of abstracts is invited for presentation at the British Geriatrics Society Regional Meeting under the categories of either Clinical Effectiveness or Scientific Presentation.


Clinical Effectiveness abstracts submissions fall under the following subcategories:

[1] Audit: All audit submissions should have completed audit cycle and change strategies

[2] Guideline Development

[3] Systematic Reviews

[4] New Practice Development: This subcategory includes evaluation of any innovative practice

[5] Survey: Surveys should have nationally generalisable message



After the adjudication process we will inform you by email as to whether your submission has been accepted for presentation at our regional meeting. The best regionally presented poster will be entitled to an automatic display place at the national BGS conference however, not as a published peer-reviewed poster as this needs to go through the normal submission and review process.



Submitting your abstract


The maximum word count is 370 words. The total word count for the fields ‘Title, Authors and Provenance’ is up to 70 words. The maximum word count for the field ‘Abstracts Editor’ is 300 words.


Please use the following format:

Title (using Title Case)

Authors (Initials then surname, using capitals without any full stops: e.g. J Smith1, P Jones1, T Renwick 2)

Provenance (i.e. place of work e.g. 1. Southampton University, 2. Dept of Elderly Care, Cardiff University Hospital)

The maximum word count for these three fields is 70 words.

ABSTRACT The maximum word count is 300 words.




For Scientific Presentation abstracts use the following headings:

Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions.


For Clinical Effectiveness abstracts use the following headings according to chosen subcategory:


Audit: Evidence-base, Change Strategies, Change Effects, Conclusion

Guideline Development: Background, Search Methods, Results, Conclusions.

Systematic reviews: Scope, Search Methods, Results, Conclusions

New Practice Development: Background, Innovation, Evaluation, Conclusions.

Surveys: Background, Sampling Methods, Results, Conclusions


Layout - Type the subheading (e.g. Introduction), go down one line, then type the text on the next line. Put a blank line space in between each of the four sections.


Tables- must be created in the same file as the abstract itself (e.g. in Word, use‘convert text to table’, etc). If tables are included, every word/number in the table will be included in the word count of 370.


Macros- Do NOT use macros within abstracts, as they may contain viruses. No embedded objects from outside sources are allowed (e.g. graphs, pictures).


Content-The abstract must include sufficient information (e.g numerical and statistical data) to allow its evaluation. Expressions such as “data will be presented” or findings will be discussed” are not acceptable and will result in automatic rejection of the abstract. The onus is on the author to check spelling, grammar and format of the abstract


References - include any references within the body of the text, in the format, Author names (up to 3), Journal name, year, volume and page. Do not include the title.


Abbreviations- must be defined by being placed in parentheses immediately after the full word or phrase has been typed for the first time.

Non-proprietary- (generic) names must be used for drugs.




Personal details - should include: Name and email address.

Category - State either Clinical Effectiveness or Scientific Presentation. Clinical Effectiveness abstracts submissions fall under the following subcategories, please also state which:

[1] Audit: All audit submissions should have completed audit cycle and change strategies

[2] Guideline Development

[3] Systematic Reviews

[4] New Practice Development: This subcategory includes evaluation of any innovative practice

[5] Survey: Surveys should have nationally generalisable message



All authors must indicate whether or not the work carried out has approval from the Local or National Research Ethics Committee (REC). Please note that authors are able to submit abstracts which were not submitted to the LREC, for example, if research deals with completed audits of national relevance or work using public domain databases. If the project was not submitted for LREC approval and the methodology is adjudged as requiring LREC submission, the abstract will be rejected.

Please state one the following; “Project not submitted to the LREC;" or “LREC did not wish to undertake review”; or “LREC approved”.


Distinction between Research and Clinical Effectiveness

Is your project audit or research (or both)?

Both research and clinical audit may involve measurement of patient outcomes, however the purpose is different. Be clear about your objectives, and concentrate on these 3 key questions:

1. Is the purpose of your project to try and improve the quality of patient care?

2. Will the project involve measuring current practice against standards?

3. Does the project include anything being done to patients beyond their routine clinical management?

If your answers are 'yes' to the first 2 questions and 'no' to the third, your project is very likely to fall within the remit of clinical audit.