19 & 20 September 2019

Venue Information

Van der Valk Hotel Charleroi Airport

Thursday 19/09/2019 - Evening


Chaussée de Courcelles, 115
B-6041 Gosselies

The shortest route to the hotel

 By car

  •  Take exit 22, Gosselies Outes at the E420/A54
  •  You will reach the hotel just a bit further at the N582

 By train

  • Take the IC train until Charleroi Sud Station
  • Then take the A train through Gosselies Airport
  • The hotel is situated at 5km from the airport station. From there, you can take a taxi to reach the hotel

CHU Marie Curie Charleroi

Aula Auditorium

Friday 20/09/2019 


Chaussée de Bruxelles 140
B-6042 Lodelinsart

The shortest route to get there

 By car

  • A 54 Brussels-Charleroi, exit n°26 
  • RN5
  • Free parking available

 By train

  • From other belgian cities, stop at Charleroi Sud station
  • Then, take the metro

 By metro

  • Line M3, stop "Marie Curie"

 By bus

  • Lines 50 & 172