Your abstract submission

To present your abstract during the Neuro Network Day, your abstract should be submitted via the available link on the Neuro Network Day website by Wednesday 15 September 2021 (23:59) - Submission deadline extended to 20 September (23:59).

Have a look at the "call for abstracts" information here below to access the abstract submission system and for detailed information on the submission procedure and criteria.

All submitted abstracts that fulfill the submission criteria will be screened and considered for presentation by the Scientific Committee. The submitted author will receive a notification whether the abstract has been selected for presentation or not via email by Monday 27 September 2021.

The jury will select 3 abstracts to be presented during the Neuro Network Day on Saturday 9 October 2021. 



  • Abstract Submission Deadline is Wednesday 15 September 2021 - Submission deadline extended to 20 September (23:59)
  • Abstract Submission Feedback regarding selection by Friday 27 September 2021 


Abstracts Submission Details






Submission group

The abstract submission tool is now open for abstracts regarding Clinical Cases in all domains of Neurology.



The winner will be selected by the Belgian Headache SocietyThe NND-award will be handed over to the abstract winner after the Clinical cases in Neurology session on Saturday 9 October 2021.

The winning abstract will receive a free registration for EAN 2022.

    Presentation of your abstract

    The reviewers will make a selection of the submitted abstracts that qualify for the oral presentations. The 3 selected authors will be asked to present their abstract (oral presentation of 15 min. incl 2 Q&A - on stage using PPT slides) during the Neuro Network Day 2021.


    Call For Abstracts






    Submission Criteria:

    Abstracts should be uploaded via the abstract submission system, which is accessible via the Symposium Website.

    • All abstracts must be submitted electronically in .doc/docx format and should be written in English 
    • At the time of submission, the material should not have been published or accepted for publication. Encore abstracts are accepted but not favoured
    • The title of the abstract should include all the words crucial for a subject index
    • The body of the abstract should be limited to maximum 300 words
    • The subject should treat the results of a Clinical Case in Neurology
    • In addition, there should be a title submitted with a maximum of 45 characters 
    • All abstracts have to be submitted by the main author
    • If the abstract has more than one author, the main author should be clearly identified (fe: label: 'main author:')


    General Framework for Abstract Submission

    • The submission of abstracts is welcome and highly appreciated  
    • Abstracts should be submitted via the available link on the Symposium website
    • All submitted abstracts that fullfil the submission criteria, will be screened and considered for presentation by reviewers, appointed by the Scientific Committee, who will send a notification regarding acceptance or rejection of abstracts to the submitting author via email 
    • There is no cost linked to abstract submission
    • Late breaking abstracts will not be accepted 
    • Abstracts with commercial content will not be accepted