Events > International Opportunities for UK Education

International Opportunities for UK Education

DBT International Education Events



Date: Taking place 16th to 20th September 2024
Time: TBC
Location: Online
Link for full information and to register:

Delivered in partnership with the UK Skills Partnership and the Department for Business and Trade’s International Education Team.

WOW WOW WOW > 16 hours of UK skills showcasing by 48 providers in 8 sessions over 5 days.

Participants from all over the globe will experience some of the world’s most innovative and high-quality skills and training delivery demonstrated through case studies and live examples during SkillsFest24. The daily interactive sessions will showcase skills solutions that can be contextualised for delivery wherever you are!

The primary audience for SkillsFest24 is for those outside of the UK, but of course we welcome those in the UK to watch too. 
Everyone from UK Government, overseas Government ministries and their agencies, donor banks, non-Government organisations, development and aid agencies, public and private skills and education institutes, skills bodies, senior leadership, employers, trade bodies and more, are invited to watch the latest innovations in TVET skills development and delivery from brilliant UK suppliers. This is NOT aimed at students.

Please share with collegaues across government, education, industry and stakeholder networks, colleagues in Embassies and High Commissions in the UK and Overseas.

Register to join SkillsFest24:

SkillsFest24 is not just an education sector webinar…it is for all industry sectors.

A wide range of solutions and skills provision will be showcased through case studies. SkillsFest24 will cover: Green/ sustainability (for example infrastructure, energy, finance, agri, aqua etc), Future facing technology (for example AI, robotics, key enabling technologies etc), Advanced manufacturing and innovation, Digital literacy / coding / ICT / cyber, Professional, entrepreneurship and business services, Healthcare, social care and Pharmaceutical, Cognitive, soft, core and behavioural skills, Tourism, hospitality and visitor economy, Teacher capacity and capability skills training and Logistics, distribution & maritime.

If you are on LinkedIn, please SHARE this post: 




Please note that this page is regularly updated with upcoming events, trade missions and webinars.

Events are listed by market.




StudyWorld Online and StudyWorld Manchester

Date: StudyWorld Online 18-19 September 2024, StudyWorld Manchester 27-29 January 2025
Time: TBC
Location: Online (Sept 2024) and Manchester (Jan 2025)
StudyWorld events showcase the UK offer in ELT, and delegates will have the opportunity to meet with UK-based providers, and study abroad agents from 30+ markets.

Register Your Interest:

Information on the online event can be found here

For more information to attend in-person at the Manchester event here.



More webinar events coming soon.






More events for this region coming soon.


Education Trade Mission to GESS 2024

Date: Tuesday 12 November – Thursday 14 November 2024
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Cost: Delegates will need to cover the cost of their conference entry ticket and associated expenses together with travel, accommodation and subsistence.

Businesses from across the North of England and Midlands are invited to join the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) for a trade mission to Global Educational Supplies and Solutions (GESS) Dubai 2024. The mission will provide you with an exclusive programme of activities and events to connect with key buyers and decision-makers in the education industry from across the globe. In association with the British Educational Suppliers Association (BESA), DBT will be exhibiting in the UK Pavilion at GESS Dubai. 

Registration link:


GESS Dubai 2024 Info Session Webinar

Date: Tuesday 12 November – Thursday 14 November 2024
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Join our webinar on Tuesday, 10 September at 11:00am (BST) for an introduction to Dubai and the Education/EdTech sector. You will have the opportunity to hear from our colleagues from DBT in Dubai and fellow peers, who will highlight the key opportunities that exist within these sectors and market entry requirements.
Find out more and register now:






Lagos to London (Nigeria Schools) Event

Date: 28 August 2024.
Time: 10am – 1pm
Location: Royal Over-Seas League, 6 Park Place, St. James’s, London  SW1A 1LR
A conference designed for business leaders and their families relocating to the UK from West Africa will be taking place later this summer, in association with the Department for Business & Trade. Entitled “LAGOS TO LONDON”, this event now in its second year, will include expert professionals addressing themes such as education, financial planning, relocation and immigration.

There will also be an exhibition from some of Britain’s finest boarding schools which the event will be hosted by Mark Brooks Education, a DBT Export Champion.

To register go to

Going Global, 2024

Date: 26-28 November 2024
Time: TBC
Location: Abuja, Nigeria  
This is the British Council's flagship higher education event, and will be taking place in Africa, for the first time, in late 2024. The event will be focused on the Africa region (including North Africa) and is expected to attract a significant number of ministers from across the continent.  The event will act as a focal point for activity for HMG and sector representatives and will demonstrate the strength of the UK higher education offer to a predominantly African audience, and help to consolidate our relationships with African education Ministries.

Register Your Interest:
Contact Richard Grubb for further information

Also further information online is avalable and the opportunity to submit an expression of interest to attend here


UK Government in-person higher education TNE mission to Nigeria

Date: 28 November - 4 December 2024

Lagos, Nigeria - 28 – 30 November
Abuja, Nigeria  - 2 – 4 December

The Department for Business and Trade, in partnership with the Department for Education, the British Council, and Universities UK International, are excited to announce that Professor Sir Steve Smith, the UK Government’s International Education Champion, will be leading a delegation of UK universities to Nigeria for a series of impactful engagements, aimed at developing international partnerships. The Mission will take place alongside the British Council’s Going Global Conference, which will take place in Abuja.


Nigeria is a priority country in the UK’s International Education Strategy. Following a successful TNE Mission in November 2023, the UK has engaged strongly, at a senior government and sector level, headed by Sir Steve, with influential Nigerian stakeholders, incl. The Nigerian Ministry of Education and the National Universities Commission (NUC).

The British Council will host its annual higher education conference, Going Global, in Africa for the first time this November, presenting an opportunity to focus on UK education partnerships on the continent.

In Nigeria specifically, there is strong momentum following last year’s mission. Nigeria has since launched its Guidelines for TNE, providing a clearer regulatory framework for UK universities seeking to develop higher education partnerships that increase the capacity of Nigerian institutions, including on research and curriculum design, linked to key needs in industry, and a more inclusive option to study.

The programme will include roundtables and networking receptions with key sector stakeholders, including NUC, Vice Chancellors, together with 1-2-1 sessions with local universities who have the capacity, and interest, to partner with UK institutions. DBT will also work with delegates after the mission to assist on partnership follow-up.

Register your interest now:

Delegates should be UK-based Higher Education providers, with experience of international partnerships. We are limiting representatives to one per institution, who should have a leading role in their organisation’s international strategy. Please fill in this EOI form by 23:59pm BST on Thursday 9 September in order for your application to be considered for selection. If you have any additional enquiries on the programme, contact:

Selection will be based on the profiles submitted, which should include an indication of your longer-term strategy for engagement in Nigeria. Profiles of successful applicants will be included in a UK delegate brochure, and your strategies will be shared locally in advance to aid the match-making sessions.

Going Global

The Mission will take place alongside the Going Global Regional Conference: Africa 2024. All Mission participants will be invited as guests to attend the conference and are encouraged to do so. Please note that Mission participants will be expected to cover any costs associated with the conference, including the delegate pass fee.

Participation Fee:

While the in-person programme is free to attend, spaces are limited. Participants are responsible for visas, airfare, insurance, accommodation costs, and costs associated with Going Global. DBT will provide local group transport to venues.



Please see above for details.




StudyWorld China Roadshow

Date: 14-22 November 2024.
Time: TBC
Location: Chengdu, Beijing and Shanghai, China
StudyWorld is organised by English UK, the national membership association of accredited English language teaching centres and this in-country programme will visit Chengdu, Beijing and Shanghai, offering a combination of one-to-one business meetings, networking lunches and market briefings with local education agents. Meetings are scheduled online, ahead of the events.

Register Your Interest:

You can find out more info and how to register here.


More Trade Missions for this region coming soon.


More webinars for this region coming soon.






BETT Asia 2024, 2–3 October 2024

The Department for Business and Trade (DBT), in partnership with BESA, are offering UK Education Technology companies the opportunity to apply for pods that will be located on our UK pavilion in a prime location at BETT Asia.

This dynamic event is returning to Malaysia, a major hub for the wider region. The BETT Asia show consistently attracts senior officials and buyers from Southeast Asia, and beyond, and is one of the most important senior education gatherings in the region.

Following BETT Asia 2023, UK providers who were with us have already seen export success of £3million, and DBT continues to work with those companies in taking forward many other strong  business leads. With over 2,000 education leaders, educators and innovators, from more than 40 countries, as well as attendance from government officials and brands at the forefront of educational transformation, BETT Asia is the ideal location for exclusive networking opportunities.

DBT are thrilled to be hosting a UK pavilion at this worldrenowned event, and an exclusive offsite reception, and is offering a limited number of pavilion exhibitor packages for UK companies, designed to create an opportunity for exposure among key decision-makers in the regional education sector.

The UK pavilion at BETT Asia 2024 will be the centre point for all UK government departments during the show, making it the perfect setting to create future partnerships, drive exports and meet investors.

Event Details
Date: 2–3 October 2024
Location: Mandarin Oriental Hotel,
Kuala Lumpur City Centre,
50088 Kuala Lumpur,

Registration is now closed but please contact Mike Qureshi for further details on the event.


We are also offering exciting sponsorship opportunities at BETT Asia 2024, including a Multiple Event package for BETT Asia 2024 and BETT UK 2025, to a selection of UK companies, that will increase brand awareness.

For more information on sponsorship packages please visit our website. If you are interested in improving your business’s profile in the Education Technology industry, put BETT Asia in your diary today.


SEAMEO RIHED (Regional Center for Higher Education and Development), Inter regional Research Symposium

Date: 20-22 November 2024.  
Time: TBC
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
The theme of this event, hosted by a valued stakeholder in region, will be: Transforming Higher Education – Towards Sustainable Development.  It will feature sessions on digital transformation, flexible learning pathways, gender equity, diversity and inclusion tracking.
Register Your Interest:
For information on how you can participate please contact Ms Christelle Augustine here.

For more information and details can be found here, or explore their website here.   


FOBISIA Annual Leadership Conference

Date:   15-17 November 2024
Time: TBC
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
This very popular two-day conference attracts hundreds of delegates and is always over subscribed. The Conference provides an opportunity for Heads and senior leaders from FOBISIA’s (Federation of British International Schools in Asia) member schools to network, listen to prominent keynote speakers, participate in  mind provoking workshops and share best practice, with opportunities to interact with a range of educational suppliers and organisations that provide valuable services to International schools from around the globe.

For more information, click here.

For further information and to Register, click here.

More trade missions for this region coming soon.


More webinars for this region coming soon.



More events for this region coming soon.


Higher Education TNE Mission to Brazil

Date: 7-11 October 2024.
Time: TBC
Location: Brazil
The British Council, with the support of DBT and Universities UK international, is co-ordinating a delegation to Brazil.  This much-anticipated programme follows the excellent outcomes of inward university visits to the UK over the last 2 years, a visit to the UK by the Brazilian Education Minister Camilo Santana, followed by a reciprocal visit last autumn by former Minister of Education Nick Gibb, and the UK/Brazil Education MOU. This delegation will consolidate, accelerate and celebrate robust collaboration, exploring TNE links, research partnerships, applied innovation and skills development, besides consolidating ongoing internationalisation processes between UK and Brazil. The delegation will also take part of strategic dialogues on internationalisation and embedding gender equality and diversity in HEIs as part of the British Council’s ongoing efforts on creating capacities and growth opportunities for  the sector. 

Register Your Interest:
British Council’s ongoing efforts on creating capacities and growth opportunities for  the sector. The British Council are accepting expressions of interest, and you can contact Marcela Gobo ( for further details.       

The Pie Live North America

Date: 19-20 November 2024
Time: TBC
Location: The Westin Boston Seaport District, Boston, US
Hosting almost two million international students between them, this annual event connects Canada and America’s diverse institutions to learn from one another and share best practise. The event attracts a global audience, and focuses on the ever-changing international education landscape.

You can find out how to attend, and also apply to be a speaker here.


More webinars for this region coming soon.



Please register to access access the video and content for the recorded education events during ITW 2023 via the following link:

Video Recordings and content can also be accessed (for unregistered users) by visiting our ITW page