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AAC Awards 2019
Friday 11 October 2019 - Registration for the AAC Awards Ceremony is now closed
At Communication Matters we support and celebrate all forms of communication, the people who use them, the professionals and families that support them and the companies that provide them.
As many of you know, at our annual conference we present two awards in memory of inspiring individuals, Jamie Munro and Alan Martin. These awards not only serve to remember two valued members of our community, but also highlight the achievements and influence of particular individuals through their work or artistic skills.
We know that there are many more individuals, groups and companies who should also be celebrated for their contribution to the world of Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC). Communication Matters is preparing to champion these achievements with the first ever AAC Awards to be held at Leeds University on Friday 11th October 2019. Write the date in your diary or put it on your calendar and start counting down to what promises to be a really exciting occasion!
It is no coincidence that the awards will be held in October, which is AAC Awareness Month and we intend to hold the ceremony every two years going forward. The awards will continue our valued partnership with Meet in Leeds, and together we want to raise the profile of AAC in the city and beyond! But, as ever, we need your help! So, if anyone has any contacts, ideas to make the evening go with a bang, connections with potential sponsors, or even just feels like helping out, we want to hear from you. Contact us through the CM Office:
*Please note that there is a smart dress code for the evening*
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Please complete the online registration form to confirm your attendance and book your accommodation.
Please recheck the site regularly to view any updates.
We look forward to seeing you at the Awards!
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We are beginning to offer a number of sponsorship opportunities to companies we think would be a good fit for our audience at the AAC Awards 2019.
We are looking for companies who celebrate all forms of communication and are champions for the equitable, national provision of AAC services and equipment.
Please contact for further information about how you can sponsor this event. We would love to hear from you!
You can find a list of our current sponsors on the sponsors page.
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