WUWHS 2021-2022: Supporting Society Project Competition
Click Here to Submit a Supporting Society Project
It is with great joy that we announce a WUWHS project competition that is open to all WUWHS Supporting Society members. Projects may include original research, quality improvement programs, audit, and translational projects. Please note these projects must not have been previously published.
In this endeavorour, our aim is to bring society-related wound care initiatives to the foreground and allow societies from different environments to learn from each other. Also, to bring grassroots initiatives to the formal evidence base for disseminationand transfer of knowledge to the care level of patients with wounds.
Winning project: USD 5 000.00 for the society(If Budget Allows)
Runnersup (2nd and 3rd): USD 3 500.00 for each society(If Budget Allows)
Top10 Projects (no. 4-10): USD 1 000.00 each for their societies(If Budget Allows)
A WUWHS endorsement emblem to the Top 10 projects
A WUWHS gold project emblem to the Top 3 projects
Publication of the top 10 projects in the WUWHS official journal (peer-reviewed) with endorsement
Rules of the Competition:
- Any Supporting Society of WUWHS is eligible for entry into the project competition if a member of WUWHS by 30 April 2021
- Any project from a society that was already in progress in 2020 and is still ongoing in 2021, or any new project started in 2021, is eligible for entry
- All entries should have proof of an ethical approval or exemption process to facilitate publication. (If not available locally, societies may submit an ethics application to the WUWHS scientific and Ethics committee no later than 15 July 2021).
- Projects should aim to:
- Investigate wound related issues in the immediate sphere of influence of a society
- Utilize a scientific approach in addressing the issue at hand
- Create solutions that are translatable into the immediate environment of care
- Provide an evidence-based structure that can serve for the development of new policies and procedures to advance practice in the domain of the project
- Be creative, innovative and original in approach to address either preventative, curative or rehabilitative domain issues or combinations thereof.
Competition Time Frame
Opening for project registration submission: 1 March 2021
Closing date for project registration entries: 31st July 2021
Registration aim is to register the project to your specific society and lock it in under your society as your society initiative;
Project Registration Process: