
The 7th ICIS European Butadiene and Derivatives Conference

Assessing the impact of consumer expectations following a volatile year in the European market

12 - 13 September 2018 // Novotel Munchen City, Munich, Germany


Headline Sponsor

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Conference Venue

This year's European Butadiene conference will be held at: 

Novotel Munchen City Hotel

Address: Hochstrasse 11, Bayern, 81669, Munich, Germany

Website: www.accorhotels.com
Phone: (+49) 89 66 1070

If you require further assistance with your accommodation, please contact the hotel on +49 8966 1070 and state the conference name.

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Delegate Accommodation

ICIS were delighted to offer all registered delegates a special discounted rate at the Novotel Munchen City Hotel.
These rooms have now
SOLD OUT, due to popular demand.

If you still require a room, please contact the hotel directly through h3280-RE@accor.com

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Group Discount Available

Take advantage of our group discount offer by registering 3 or more colleagues from the same company and save up to 10% off the standard booking fee.

Register Now