
The 7th ICIS European Butadiene and Derivatives Conference

Assessing the impact of consumer expectations following a volatile year in the European market

12 - 13 September 2018 // Novotel Munchen City, Munich, Germany


Headline Sponsor

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This conference aims to not only provide you with the most reliable and up-to-date information but make the most of your time. A unique opportunity to meet and build relationships with key decision makers from across the European Butadiene industry. You will have access to the delegate networking tool to allow you to approach confirmed attendees, sponsors, partners and industry experts to pre-book meetings. Don't miss out the exclusive opportunity to meet all the key industry players under one roof in Munich!
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Reasons to attend

  • Updates on bio production of Butadiene
  • Receive first-hand information from key industry experts with exclusive insight into the European Butadiene market
  • Expand your network through interaction with other delegates
  • Trends in the automotive industry and expected effects on the Butadiene value chain


Click to download the current attending company list

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Group Discount Available

Take advantage of our group discount offer by registering 3 or more colleagues from the same company and save up to 10% off the standard booking fee.

Register Now