
The 7th ICIS Indian Base Oils & Lubricants Conference

Ensuring prosperity amid market volatility

9 - 10 April 2019 // The Leela, Mumbai, India



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Other Base Oils & Lubricants Events

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ICIS Base Oils & Lubricants Conferences

Our Base Oils & Lubricants portfolio of high profile, industry leading events provides an expanse of opportunities for anyone involved in the base oils and lubricants value chain. Gain essential information and market insight, meet industry peers and establish new business connections and opportunities.

Delve deeper into the regional dynamics of the global markets at our SIX annual conferences for the sector. Divided by topic and by region there are plenty of opportunities to examine capacity developments, evolving trade and emerging markets and their influence on the global outlook.

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The Asian Industrial Lubricants Conference

14-15 November 2018

ICIS & ELGI are proud to take the growing industrial lubricants conference portfolio to Singapore. With an increase in demand for finished lubricants across the region, Asia is providing huge growth opportunities to businesses globally.

This conference is a geo-clone of the already successful portfolio of industrial lubricants conferences in Europe and North America, in partnership with the ELGI and being the region’s only industrial-specific meeting allows for dedicated networking and business opportunities.

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If you are interested in attending this event or another Base Oils & Lubricants Conference in the future, please fill in the form below. 

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