Leadership and Collaboration –
Achieving Effectiveness in C4ISR and Cyber




The Call for Abstracts is Closed!

In its second edition, TechNet Transatlantic organized by AFCEA Europe in cooperation with the AFCEA chapters on US bases in Europe will enlarge by scope and space. The positive responses regarding the inaugural event of 2023 encouraged us to include an even wider community of the US forces and its partners in Europe. TechNet Transatlantic again will provide a forum in which US and NATO military leaders and warfighters engage with wide-reaching industry teams and academic researchers in order to set future battlefield conditions to, enhance partner force integration, improve battlespace digitisation and accelerate command and control decision making across a multi-dimensional, coalition battlefield.

The current security situation around Europe from North to South demands strengthened C4ISR and cyber collaboration and requests new solutions to enable Joint All-Domain Operations with both partners and allies at a real or near-real time unseen in previous conflicts. TNT seeks to bring to the forefront groundbreaking technology that leverages unconventional use of current and planned capabilities to deter and, if required, defeat our adversaries decisively at a time and place of our choosing. 

Furthermore, TNT seeks to bring together U.S. and European-based companies through collaboration and cooperation. Additionally, TechNet Transatlantic focuses on the regional issues military leaders have identified around the European theatre in the field of C4ISR and Cyber, including full-spectrum cyber operations, as adversaries leverage cyberspace to conduct operations below the threshold of conflict. 

Finally, TNT features speakers and discussions from throughout the theater encompassing U.S., NATO and Partner Nations. Exhibitors will demonstrate solutions and services that meet the military services' requirements. 

Who should attend?

Industry and researchers in the C4ISR/Cyber field constantly need to update their understanding of the special conditions of this theater and the highly challenging circumstances of providing interoperable solutions. Participants from industry and academia enjoy the opportunity to present solutions and services to the ultimate customer and experience their immediate response to improve the quality of support. Virtually, they are “getting closer to today’s reality on the battlefield”. The conference and exhibition offer a neutral stage also for discussing tomorrow's technological challenges and how to address these within the existing or modified procurement regulations.

Amongst others, the following technological solution areas may be of interest to the J2, J3, J5,  J6, and J8 audience from many U.S. entities in Europe, as well as NATO commands and institutions and from partner nations:

  • Network Transportation Diversity/Redundancy
  • Zero Trust Architecture
  • Cyber Security
  • Cross Domain Solutions
  • Small Form Factor Edge Computing
  • Automated Data Security
  • Data Analytics for various military functions
  • Secure LTE Networks and End Devices
  • Commercial for Classified
  • Spectrum Management and Monitoring
  • Electronic Warfare (EW) Systems
  • Counter UAS
  • RF Communication Interoperability/ RF extension kits for rapid site expansion
  • Tactical Deployable Communications and Information Systems
  • Wireless Local Area Network (LAN)/Wide Area Networks (WAN)
  • Space Optics for secure communications
  • (Commercial) Satellite communication
  • And more …

Industry and academia speakers and exhibitors are welcome from the US and European C4ISR and Cyber industry, research institutes and universities from the USA, Europe, and from NATO DIANA as well as national Emerging and Disruptive Technologies accelerators and hubs.