Main Plenary Speakers

SESAM 2025 will bring together a rich and varied programme with outstanding keynote, plenary and hot topic speakers. Along with
carefully selected pre-congress and abstract presenters, made up of a diverse mix of colleagues, peers, and industry experts in our community.


SESAM Highlights

SIM University

SimUniversity will take place during the SESAM annual meeting and thus also create an opportunity for students to be exposed to simulation
content from international experts.

Find out more here



SiReN (Simulation Research Network) is a grass-roots, collaborative group of simulation researchers working at all levels—from early career researchers to experienced research colleagues—supported by SESAM.

Find out more here


SESAM Mentoring Programme

The SESAM Mentoring Programme is a working alliance in which individuals work together over time, on a one-to-one basis, to support the personal and professional growth, development, and success of the relational partners through the provision of career and psychosocial support.

Find out more here