
Tuesday 24 June 2025

Educational Workshops

Pre-Congress programme includes a selection of Educational Workshops. Tickets price includes 3.5 hour Workshop and refreshments. 

Availability is limited and we recommend you book early to avoid disappointment.

Morning Workshops 0900-1230

  • Mastering the meta-debrief, developing a toolbox for debriefing the debrief (More Information)
    Prashant Kumar
  • Escaping traditional simulation teaching- using escape room strategy to enhance learner experience (More Information)
    Joanna Traynor and Sharon Donaghy
  • Enhancing communication and cohesion in interprofessional teams - An immersive workshop using improvisational theatre and design-thinking concepts (More Information)
    Prof Ruth Fanning
  • Seguridad del paciente (More Information)
    Carmen Gomar Sancho and Maria Cruz Martin Delgado

Afternoon Workshops 1330-1700

  • You are better thank you think - explore your inner imposter and see that you are not alone (More Information)
    Prof Peter Dieckmann and Kirsty Freeman
  • The new curriculum is coming; can you sim it for us? (More Information)
    James Tiernan, Jemma Pringle and Vicky Tallentire
  • Supporting management in planning sustainable simulation based learning: A process management approach (More Information)
    Richard Hardeland Skåra and Heidi Synnøve Isberg 



Please note that the programme is subject to change without notice.


SESAM Highlights

SIM University

SimUniversity will take place during the SESAM annual meeting and thus also create an opportunity for students to be exposed to simulation
content from international experts.

Find out more here



SiReN (Simulation Research Network) is a grass-roots, collaborative group of simulation researchers working at all levels—from early career researchers to experienced research colleagues—supported by SESAM.

Find out more here


SESAM Mentoring Programme

The SESAM Mentoring Programme is a working alliance in which individuals work together over time, on a one-to-one basis, to support the personal and professional growth, development, and success of the relational partners through the provision of career and psychosocial support.

Find out more here