The Call for Abstracts is now closed.
See the full instructions including the submission form.

The deadline to submit was 16 August. 

For more information, please contact Mandy Rizzo.


The New Normal in Defence and Security -

What are the Latest Requirements and Solutions?

“NATO sharpens its technological edge….Working with industry helps to avoid gaps in defence capabilities…”

                                                                                  - Jens Stoltenberg, 2021 NATO Summit, 14 June

In the rapidly and fundamentally changing environment in the new era of big powers competition, defence and security of NATO and EU member states rely more than ever on gaining and maintaining a technological advantage. Along with many other factors, equipping warfighters with the best solutions is critical for maintaining this momentum and is key for securing peace in these very volatile times.

This cannot be done without industry, even from non-traditional sectors, which can provide the most advanced technologies, systems and ideas to the western alliances but is also capable of showing the art of the possible.

Such a need for intensified cooperation is widely recognised

  • by NATO, just having started the development of a new strategy including an approach to make Emerging and Disruptive Technologies (EDT) better accessible, and
  • by the European Union who is ramping up work towards a defence union by fostering a defence industrial base and cross-harvesting established and new technologies from non-traditional sectors beyond the defence and security community
  • and of course, by the nations, who are the core of both of these entities.

After the past period of COVID-19 restrictions and following the mission of AFCEA to connect people, ideas and solutions which it has successfully done for 75 years now, it is time to re-connect and discuss new requirements, new concepts, new products, new solutions in person. Such an exchange of ideas should be offered in the closest proximity to where our governmental partners are located. That is why AFCEA Europe invites you to participate in AFCEA TechNet International #New Forum and Exhibition 14 - 15 September 2021 at The Square, right in the heart of Brussels and inform the NATO and EU IT community based in Brussels and SHAPE about what technology your company has to offer.

The audience will be the senior expert level from NATO HQ, NATO ESC, NATO DI, NCIA, ACO, EU DG DEFIS, EU DG CNECT, EDA, US DISA and many other NATO and EU entities.

If your company is active in these fields of defence-related technologies, we want to see you there.

5G ecosystem                                                                  


Application Software

Battlefield Management Systems

Big Data Solutions

Cloud computing

Common Operating Picture (COP)


Computer & Peripherals


Cyber security

Data Analytics

Data Encryption

Data Manipulation and Analytical Tools

Data Mining & Warehousing

Data strategy in the enterprise

Digitalisation and digital transformation in Armed Forces in general

Disruptive technologies

And more. See the complete list in the Call for Abstracts.