Arctic Frontiers Science

All presentations

A list of all presentations is presented below. It is based on abstracts accepted ahead of the Arctic Frontiers 2022 conference initially planned for 31 Jan - 3 Feb 2022. We encourage all science presenters attending the conference in-person to bring a poster to the conference and thus contribute to the poster session on Sunday afternoon, 8 May. Furthermore, all presenters attending the conference in-person and digitally will have an opportunity to arrange personal virtual science booth space on our digital program to be displayed during the conference week, including two dedicated virtual poster sessions on 10 May. Practically, the presentations below are the posters to be presented either in-person or virtually, or both. 

All attendees to Arctic Frontiers are invited to the Researcher's Reception, hosted by the Norwegian Polar Institute, on Sunday 8th May at 20:00. Join us in the Fram Centre's Lysgården (atrium) for an evening of light entertainment, food, drinks, professional exchange and socialising. If you want to attend, please email to

Guidelines for oral presentations and posters is available here.

A step-by-step instruction on how to set up your virtual science booth is available here.


The Arctic Frontiers Administration is located at the Fram Centre in Tromsø, Norway. The Administration is responsible for day to day operations and for the organisation of the annual conference, and reports to the Board of Arctic Frontiers.

The secretariat is led by Anu Fredrikson.


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