TechNet Transatlantic is an event of AFCEA Europe in cooperation with the AFCEA chapters in Stuttgart, Kaiserslautern, and Wiesbaden, for the warfighting community of the US Forces in Europe, from across the Atlantic and from their partners from NATO and nations in Europe. TechNet Transatlantic seeks to bring to the forefront ground-breaking technology that leverages the sophisticated use of current and developing capabilities and technologies to deter and, if required, defeat adversaries decisively at a time and place of one's choosing.
This is a conference with a focus on force integration and collaboration on the battlefield of today and tomorrow, also featuring a large exhibition. Ground-breaking technologies, enhanced battlefield digitalisation, and solutions for Joint All Domain C2, Cyber Defence, AI applications in combat etc. are subjects to be displayed and discussed. Networking of partners and also amongst industry and academia is at the core of this new event.
TechNet Transatlantic fostered in-person networking opportunities through our exhibition and networking breaks.
TechNet Transatlantic hosted specialists from national governments, defense and security bodies, NATO and EU, as well as industry and academia. Sponsorships are a great way to maximise your exposure at the event. We also offer virtual sponsorship opportunities.
Directions: Google maps