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Not in my backyard – The UK offshore wind energy journey

The British Embassy in Reykjavik in co-operation with DBT Iceland, Arion Banki and Grænvangur invites you to Not in my backyard – The UK offshore wind energy journey.

A breakfast event where specialists from the UK will share the experience of developing offshore wind, costs & benefits, the timeline from development to energy production, protecting the environment and impact on local communities. 

Opening Remarks
Dr Bryony Mathew: HM Ambassador
Nótt Thorberg: Director, Grænvangur

Stages for Development of offshore wind
David Wotherspoon: Head of New Geographies, Offshore Wind Consulting Group

Winds of Change: Scotland´s Offshore Wind Journey
Lorna Finlayson: Offshore Renewables Policy, The Scottish Government

Sharing the Marine Space
Drew Milne: Senior Manager for Marine Planning, Marine Scotland

The Developers Perspective
Mandy Gloyer: Head of offshore wind development, Scottish Power Renewables

Speakers Panel
Led by Nótt Thorberg: Director, Grænvangur

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18 April, 2023
9am-11am GMT. House opens 8:30am
Arion Banki HQ, Borgartúni 19, 105 Reykjavík

Registration for attending the event is necessary as limited spaces are available. 


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Growing Green Together is a regional campaign from the UK's Department for International Trade in Europe spanning the Northern Europe & the Baltic region.

Growing Green Together website

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