6th T-Scan User Meeting and Masterclasses

Friday October 4th 2019

Program T-Scan User Meeting
08.00 hrs.

08.50 hrs.

Opening & Kick-off
Dr. Hans van Pelt
09.00 hrs.

Malocclusions, How to Restore Occlusion and Function, a Team Approach
In this lecture you will learn which factors influence a proper function, how malocclusions can cause tooth wear and how to restore this function in an interdisciplinary approach.
Dr. Hans van Pelt

10.00 hrs.

Orthodontics: (often) the only way to stability or a certain way to instability?
In orthodontic finish visual stability can be light-years away from functional stability. We all see too often upcoming slight TMJ problems in adolescents after orthodontic treatments.
Dr. Mike Smith

11.00 hrs.
Coffee Break

11.30 hrs.

Frictional Dental Hypersensitivity (FDH) – The Cure for Sensitive Teeth?
When is the occlusion responsible for sensitive teeth and why?  This ubiquitous problem occurs daily within the typical dental practice.  This lecture will demonstrate to the clinician how one may objectively screen (and often permanently relieve) the patient of tooth hypersensitivity from occlusal causation based upon quantification of the occlusal interactions within the excursive movements using T-Scan digital occlusal analysis.
Dr. Nick Yiannios

13.00 hrs.
14.00 hrs.

How to Use the T-Scan with the Digital Overlay?
Translating the measurements obtained with the T-Scan to intra-oral contact points is a challenge we face almost every day. How do we make a Digital Overlay and what problems are we facing using this technique?

Take home message:
Know how use the T-Scan with the Digital Overlay
Drs. Erik-Jan Muts

15.00 hrs.

Integration of Functional Occlusion with the Help of Vitual Articulation with Modjaw in CAD-Cam Prosthesis Rehabilitation
Take home message:
Jaw moving information is essential information for fixing the bite in complex prosthesis cases.
Dr. Bassam Hassan

16.00 hrs.
Coffee Break

16.30 hrs.

“Practical Time / Force Occlusal Management”
Principles of practical conservative occlusal refinement utilizing T-Scan
Learn how to apply chairside techniques of occlusal therapy and measure for success with T-Scan.
Why deprogram and manage inflammation, the TM joint, muscles ingrams for conservative occlusal treatment and provide consistent non - destructive positive results.
See how to analyze your data fast to see what force/time events to address for conservative speedy treatment.
Occlusal refinement can be predictable, see what you can expect from measuring and utilizing T-Scan. 
Dr. Mike Smith

17.45 hrs.
Panel Discussion and Q & A

18.00 hrs.
Closing followed by Cocktail Hour

19.00 hrs.