






Hasselt | 27-29 June, 2024



Special Interest Groups

Admittance to a SIG is complimentary to all Conference Delegates, but pre-registration is mandatory.
It is obligatory to purchase an Annual Conference Registration to be able to register for a SIG Meeting.

Explore each SIG's programme in details below!

  • SIG Bladder, Bowel and Sexuality
    16.00-16.45 : SIG Occupation & Bladder, Bowel and Sexuality dysfunction together
    16.45-17.00 : Break
    17:00-17:15 : Rehabilitation in the Management of Sexual Dysfunction in MS Patients (Barbara Lewicka & Edyta Matusik, PL)
    17:15-17:45 : Interactive Group Discussion
    17:45-18:00 : Planning next in-between meeting & closing of session (Corinne Oosterlinck, BE & Edyta Matusik, PL)


  • SIG Communication & Swallowing
    Experiences with improving speech-language pathologist services for PwMS in Genua (Dr Frederico Masserano Zoli, IT)
    Wordfinding difficulty and communication interventions in PwMS – a review of literature (Hans Bogaardt, Australia)
    A brief update of the APCS project (Leena Maria Heikola)
    Establishing a research agenda for ongoing collective projects in communication and swallowing disorders  


  • SIG Occupation
    16.00-16.45 : SIG Occupation & Bladder, Bowel and Sexuality dysfunction together
    16:45-17:00 : Break
    17:00-17:20 : Cochrane Project Occupational Therapy in MS update (Daphne Kos, BE)
    17:20-17:40 : Developing a Multidisciplinary MS Patient Oriented Fall Screening (Niels Peeters, BE & Sara Cavedo, BE)
    17:40-18:00 : Planning next in-between meeting & closing of session

  • SIG Mobility : Pain in MS
    16.00-16.10 : Welcome & Brief introduction (Carme Santoyo, ES)
    16:10-16:35 : Prevalence, types, and pharmacological treatment of pain in MS (Claudio Solaro, IT) 
    16:35-17:00 : Pain assessment principles and outcome measures (Cigdem Yilmazer, BE) 
    17:00-17:05 : Short Break
    17:05-17:30 : Bio-psycho-social model of pain management in MS (An Van Nunen, BE) 
    17:30-17:50 : Case report of comprehensive care of pain in MS (Famke Vanderhauwaert, BE) 
    17:50-18:00 : Closing remarks (Carme Santoyo, ES; Lousin Moumdjian, BE)

  • SIG Patient Autonomy
    16.00-16.15 : Welcome (Andrea Giordano, IT)
    16:15-17:00 : Update on current SIG projects
                  - Needs of people with primary progressive multiple sclerosis (NIPS) – a crosscultural study (RiGra project)
                  - Motherhood choice in MS – an international survey: current status and next steps - (Julia Peper, Anne Rahn, DE )
    17:00-17:15 : Break
    17:15-17:45 : Discussion: Which future of our SIG ?
    17:45-18:00 : Conclusion

  • SIG Psychology and Neuropsychology
    SIG Psychology & Neuropsychology will focus on the use of telerehabilitation and digital technologies to conduct assessments and provide support to people living with MS and their caregivers.
    • Preliminary topic: “Remote rehabilitation, assessment, and support for people with multiple sclerosis and their caregivers”
      16:00-16:30: Welcome and introductions
      16:30-17:00: Attendees presentations
      17:00-17:15: Break
      17:15-18:00: Interactive group discussion.