Access the UKDSE Knowledge Hub
Learn, develop and Grow through our programme of webinars, physical events and sectorally focused opportunities.
Access Forthcoming Activity
We have sessions from a host of
valuable contacts across the sector.
From accessing finance and
developing innovation to export
licensing and pitching to win business.
Stream Previous Events
We aim to make as much content available as possible. Registered members of the Faculty will have complete access to a library of past webinars and events.
Explore News & Opportunities
We recognise the value of up to date
and accessible trade opportunities to
UK SMEs. When relevant opportunities come across our desk at UKDSE
they will be displayed on the News & Opportunities page.
Connect with Sectoral Contacts
Knowing the right people to connect
to is one of the most important
aspects of developing your international strategy. UKDSE can assist in finding
the right contacts for your business. Please view the useful contacts page or contact to access the desired support.
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