Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Colloquium
Tuesday 21 May 2024 

Morning programme & lunch

Following on from the success of the London and Tokyo meetings we are pleased to be holding the third ADR Colloquium alongside INSOL San Diego. 

The focus of the ADR Colloquium will be on identifying the means by which mediation and alternative dispute resolution more broadly, can be utilised in insolvency and restructuring situations, and to advocate for the deployment of ADR across insolvency and restructuring situations. 

You can view the programme here.

The cost to attend this meeting is £250 before the early deadline and £300 thereafter.  Members of the judiciary and financiers are invited to attend at no cost.

  Before 5 February 2024 After 5 February 2024
Members & Non-Members £250 £300
Judiciary & Financiers Free of Charge Free of Charge

For further information contact

ADR Group Chairs

Hon. Paul Heath KC 
Bankside Chambers
New Zealand

Felicity Toube KC
South Square


Supporting Organisation

ADR Group Committee

Shin-Ichiro Abe, Kasumigaseki International Law Office, Japan
Debra Grassgreen, Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones, USA

Stephan Madaus, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Frederica Pietro Grande, UK
Hon. Anselmo Reyes, Singapore International Arbitration Centre, Singapore
Tiphaney Russell, Deloitte, The Bahamase
Felicia Tan, TSMP Law Corporation, Singapore