RIMS highly appreciates the presentation of (research) projects or common practice. Participants are offered the possibility to submit an abstract for the poster of oral (platform presentation).
Abstracts have to be submitted via the available link at the right by Wednesday September 1 (23:59 CEST). Please indicate your preference for an oral or poster presentation.
Have a look at the "call for abstracts" information below for detailed information on the submission procedure and criteria.
According to the sessions of the Scientific Programme:
During the submission proces you will be asked to select a submission group and subgroup, according to the programme.
The Scientific Committee of RIMS will grant the two following awards:
Awards for best poster
Awards for best oral presentation
The Awards will be announced during the Award Session on Saturday morning, November 27, 2021.
Authors that submit an abstract will be asked to indicate their preference to participate in the oral presentations. The reviewers will make a selection of the submitted abstracts that qualify for the express sessions or the platform presentation.
Abstracts should be uploaded via the abstract submission system which is accessible via the Conference Website. Please use the internet browser "Google Chrome" to upload your abstract.
All abstracts must be submitted electronically in .doc/docx format and should be written in English.
It is the author's responsibility to fill in all data correctly and completely. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as typed by the author.
At the time of submission, the material should not have been published or accepted for publication. Encore abstracts are accepted but not favoured.
Follow the guidelines as mentioned here closely before submitting you abstract.
The title of the abstract should include all the words crucial for a subject index.
The body of the abstract should be limited to maximum 300 words.
The subject should involve the results of a specific (research) project.
In addition, there should be a title submitted with a maximum of 45 characters.
The submitting author should be one of the main authors.
The submitting author is presumed to be the presenter of the abstract accepted for presentation.
If the abstract has more than one author, the main author should be clearly identified (fe: label: 'main author:').
The following basic information of the main author should be included in the abstract itself: institution, city and country (click here to view an example of the lay-out).
If the abstract has one or more co-authors, the information should be clearly identified in the abstract itself.
The following basic information of each co-author should be included in the abstract itself: institution, city and country (click here to view an example of the lay-out).
General Framework for Abstract Submission