Tuesday 22d September

e-Session 3: Analysing problems

Is your problem well defined? Do all stakeholders have the same understanding of the local challenges you face? In this e-session participants will work on the first step of the action-planning process: defining and analysing the problem. Too often, action planning is hindered due to an unclear problem definition. Participants will be provided with methods to properly analyse a problem, obtain the right diagnosis and develop adequate and integrated solutions, in a collaborative way.
The e-session will be split in two parts:

- 10.00 (CET): plenary with Christophe Gouache
- 11.00 (CET): Working Groups (exclusive for local stakeholders from the networks and e-Facilitators)

The links to join the e-session will be sent to participants via e-mail, one day prior to the session. Please keep in mind that the Zoom personal log-in is necessary to join Working Groups.
If you are a part of Working Group and have not received the personal link, please contact the support team: ueu2020@cecoforma.com



Based in Belgium
Current Lead Expert of the URBACT Active Citizens APN
Leading Analysing problems on Tuesday 22nd September


Christophe Gouache is a designer and project manager at Strategic Design Scenarios, since 2012. He takes interest in different topics, including: sustainable and social innovation, collaborative and participative scenario building, participatory foresight (prospective scenarios of future sustainable ways of living) and service design. He is working on various projects of public policy design and public innovation with regional authorities and ministries, as well as action-research projects at European level. Christophe is currently the Lead Expert for the URBACT Active Citizens APN.

#citizenparticipation   #socialinnovation