Thursday 1st October

e-Session 6: Planning actions #2

What is an action exactly? Does the action answer the objectives and vision previously defined? How to make sure it can become a reality? Following up the Planning Actions #1 session, this very hands-on workshopwill help participants to practice designing actions and provide tools to develop a coherent and meaningful set of actions.

The e-session will be split in two parts:
- 10.00 (CET): plenary with Ian Graham
- 11.00 (CET): Working Groups (exclusive for local stakeholders from the networks and e-Facilitators)

The links to join the e-session will be sent to participants via e-mail, just before the session. Please keep in mind that the Zoom personal log-in is necessary to join Working Groups. If you are a part of Working Group and have not received the personal link, please contact the support team:


Based in the UK
Current Lead Expert of the URBACT DigiPlace APN
Leading Planning Actions #2 on Thursday 1st October


Ian Graham is a change leader and expert in digital and social innovation. Working with cities worldwide and across public, private, university and third sector. Ian’s work focusses on helping people apply and embed open innovation methods and collaborative practices for sustainable and integrated urban development. Ian previously spent 10 years in senior roles in local government, heading up city-wide change and innovation programmes and leading the GeniusOpen URBACT pilot Transfer Network for the Lead Partner (York, UK). More recently, Ian was the URBACT Lead Expert for the StayTuned Implementation Network and provided strategic expertise for the design of the URBACT Implementation Networks. He was also an Ad-hoc Expert for previous Action Planning Networks and was a group facilitator at the 2016 URBACT Summer University in Rotterdam.
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