Tuesday 15th September

URBACT e-University Grand Opening

Prepare to be WOWED! During this Grand Opening, to kick start the first ever URBACT e-University we will introduce all participants to the key principles of URBACT - sustainable urban development and participatory and integrated action planning. A fantastic opportunity to meet the other Action Planning Networks, it will be an interactive, fun session to welcome the 500+ city participants. It will also be your chance to meet members of the small group of European City practitioners you will work with during the entire e-University. Don’t miss out!



What is the URBACT e-University about? What lies ahead? And who are the people in the room? Clémentine Gravier and Julien Lambert, from the URBACT Secretariat, will answer to all those questions! Sally Kneeshaw, URBACT's Programme Expert, will also guide us through the first steps of this journey. This session will be split in two parts:

- First, at 10.00 AM (CET), we will welcome all of you via our interactive streaming page.
- Then, at 11.00 AM (CET), participants from the Action Planning Networks are invited to connect to Zoom (using their own personal log in) so they can meet their working groups.

The links to join both parts will be sent to the people who are registered to the event via e-mail 24 hours prior to the session.

The URBACT team looks forward to e-meeting the 500 participants!